In business marketing what’s surprising here is that management failed to realize that marketing and public relations are really two very distinct management functions, each ultimately having a significant effect on the organization as a whole. It's an all-too common mistake in today's business environment, and an easy one...
God created every part of the human body to perform a specific task. All of these organs work together in a cohesive way. This example is like a leather making factory, where there are separate fields. In some fields the washing up of the skin is done,...
In PR and marketing strategy there is a complete loom to owning and operating a business. Finance, accounting, management, marketing, legal, information systems (technology), and finances are tools that all contribute to the success of a venture. By far nevertheless, marketing is the most popular business function. PR and...
Discover the difference between type 1 and type 2, symptoms, risk factors, treatments and how to manage the pathology through nutrition and physical activity
The term diabetes derives from the Greek "diabaino", that is to pass through. This is because the ancients, observing diabetic...
Being long-lived means living long. Longevity is both desire and fear: desire is inherent in man, especially if it concerns a longed for immortality (being long-lived is equivalent to feeling almost eternal, and each year more favors the dream of invulnerability), fear concerns the ways of 'aging. ...
Digidirection houses team of developers, designers, engineers, consultant, who has the expertise to take you Android App to the forefront. We have been developing Android Apps across platforms(mobiles, tablets, wearable device); which are operational across different OS.
Why go for an Android App?
As the name itself says B2B-means business to business, B2B can be termed as business dealing with another business with product or services.
For instance:
Take any example of alloy wheels manufacturers in India, who mainly offer the products to the...
Cheap website design company not only will they work for your designing work excellently but also help you get the best services at the most affordable and reasonable prices. The thousands of cheap website design organizations offer variegated packages to prospective clients to develop or re-design their site. The...
Digidirection has been in the field of developing AngularJS web and mobile services for many years. Our well trained developers, designers, engineers and consultants has been developing AngularJS services which are sophisticated yet simple and at the same time scalable too. Our services cater to your various...
In the growing educational standards and increasing competition levels, development restricted to mental ability is no longer what parents idealize for their child. Overall mental, emotional and physical strength is vital to survive the cutthroat competition of current era. We, at admission wing, aim to shape every...